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Title: The Big Picture
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 91
Duration: 100 mins
Year: 1989
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Hollywood beckons for recent film school grad Nick Chapman, who is out to capitalize on the momentum from his national award-winning student film. Studio executive Allen Habel seduces Nick with a dream deal to make his first feature, but once production gets rolling, corporate reality begins to intervene: Nick is unable to control a series of compromises to his high-minded vision, and it's all he can do to maintain his integrity in the midst of filmmaking chaos.


Actors - Crew

Kevin Bacon
Nick Chapman
Emily Longstreth
Susan Rawlings
J.T. Walsh
Allen Habel
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Lydia Johnson
Michael McKean
Emmet Sumner
Kim Miyori
Jenny Sumner
Christopher Guest
Michael McKean
Michael Varhol
Jeffrey Jur
Director of Photography
Martin Nicholson
Nina Axelrod

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