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Title: The Red Violin
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.371
Imdb Votes: 406
Duration: 131 mins
Year: 1998
Language: German, English, Spanish, Mandarin, French, Italian,
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Music, Romance,
Country: Canada, Italy, United Kingdom,


300 years of a remarkable musical instrument. Crafted by the Italian master Bussotti (Cecchi) in 1681, the red violin has traveled through Austria, England, China, and Canada, leaving both beauty and tragedy in its wake. In Montreal, Samuel L Jackson plays an appraiser going over its complex history.


Actors - Crew

Carlo Cecchi
Nicolo Bussotti (Cremona)
Irene Grazioli
Anna Bussotti (Cremona)
Anita Laurenzi
Cesca (Cremona)
Tommaso Puntelli
Apprentice (Cremona)
Samuele Amighetti
Boy (Cremona)
Jean-Luc Bideau
Georges Poussin (Vienna)
François Girard
Don McKellar
Renée April
Costume Design
John Corigliano
Original Music Composer
Ernest Vincze
Camera Operator
Matthias Gohl
Music Producer

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