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Title: Martin's Day
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1985
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Crime,
Country: Canada,


Threatened with recapture after a prison escape, Martin Stechert grabs a 12-year-old as hostage. He proves to be named Martin, too a quiet "good little boy" always obeying the rules, whom life has given only dismal loneliness and frustration in return. Soon he begins to admire "Stech" for his cheeky pranks against society and his desperate mission to make dreams come true. In a climactic moment, he chooses to stay with the man even though he could run away. Via hijacks and hijinx, they flee to the idyllic peace of the older Martin's childhood home, a cabin on a lake. But the police are close behind, impatient and trigger-happy.


Actors - Crew

Richard Harris
Martin Steckert
Lindsay Wagner
Dr. Mennen
James Coburn
Lt. Lardner
Justin Henry
Karen Black
John Ireland
Chris Bryant
Allan Scott
Roy Krost
Richard F. Dalton
Wilfred Josephs
Frank Watts
Director of Photography

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