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Title: Mrs. Soffel
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.07
Imdb Votes: 50
Duration: 112 mins
Year: 1984
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Kate Soffel is married to a prison warden in Pittsburgh, and is the mother of their four children. Ed Biddle is a convicted murderer awaiting execution on death row with his brother Jack. When Kate meets Eddie through her Bible readings to the prisoners, she is drawn to him, and they pursue a clandestine relationship. She agrees to help the brothers escape, and begins a treacherous journey with them to freedom in Canada.


Actors - Crew

Diane Keaton
Kate Soffel
Mel Gibson
Ed Biddle
Matthew Modine
Jack Biddle
Edward Herrmann
Warden Peter Soffel
Trini Alvarado
Irene Soffel
Jennifer Dundas
Margaret Soffel
Gillian Armstrong
Ron Nyswaner
Scott Rudin
Nicholas Beauman
Margery Simkin
Luciana Arrighi
Production Design

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