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Title: Wallowitch & Ross: This Moment
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 1
Imdb Votes: 1
Duration: 77 mins
Year: 1999
Language: English,
Genre: Documentary,
Country: United States of America,


Documentarian Richard Morris examines both the onstage and offstage lives of veteran cabaret entertainers John Wallowitch and Bertram Ross. Since 1984, Wallowitch and Ross have been a performing duo, entertaining nightclub audiences with such acid-tongued musical parodies as "If You Don't Love Me, I'll Kill Myself -- Or Maybe I'll Kill You" and "Don't Do To Me What Woody Did To Mia." Wallowitch and Ross have also been lovers for 30 years, who met while while both were active in the New York creative community; Ross spent close to three decades as a dancer with the Martha Graham company and Wallowitch is a Julliard-trained pianist and songwriter with over 1,000 compositions to his credit. Morris exmines Wallowitch and Ross both as artists and members of the gay community without patronizing or exploiting them in the process.


Actors - Crew

John Wallowitch
Bertram Ross
Lynn Lobban
Dixie Carter
Richard Morris
Roberta Morris Purdee
Nathan Purdee
Executive Producer
Don Lenzer
Director of Photography
Marsha McKeever
Sue Gandy

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