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Title: The Devil's Arithmetic
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.848
Imdb Votes: 95
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1999
Language: English,
Genre: TV Movie, Drama, Thriller, Fantasy,
Country: Lithuania, United States of America,


An American-born Jewish adolescent, Hannah Stern, is uninterested in the culture, faith and customs of her relatives. However, she begins to revaluate her heritage when she has a supernatural experience that transports her back to a Nazi death camp in 1941. There she meets a young girl named Rivkah, a fellow captive in the camp. As Rivkah and Hannah struggle to survive in the face of daily atrocities, they form an unbreakable bond.


Actors - Crew

Kirsten Dunst
Hannah Stern
Brittany Murphy
Paul Freeman
Mimi Rogers
Leonore Stern
Louise Fletcher
Aunt Eva
Leonardas Pobedonoscevas
Donna Deitch
Jane Yolen
Robert J. Avrech
Galius Kličius
Art Direction
Jacek Laskus
Director of Photography
William H. Angarola
Supervising Sound Editor

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