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Title: The 13th Warrior
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.675
Imdb Votes: 1807
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1999
Language: Arabic, Danish, English, Latin, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish,
Genre: Adventure, History, Action,
Country: United States of America,


A Muslim ambassador exiled from his homeland, Ahmad ibn Fadlan finds himself in the company of Vikings. While the behavior of the Norsemen initially offends ibn Fadlan, the more cultured outsider grows to respect the tough, if uncouth, warriors. During their travels together, ibn Fadlan and the Vikings get word of an evil presence closing in, and they must fight the frightening and formidable force, which was previously thought to exist only in legend.


Actors - Crew

Antonio Banderas
Ahmed Ibh Fahdlan
Diane Venora
Queen Weilew
Dennis Storhøi
Herger (Joyous)
Vladimir Kulich
Omar Sharif
Anders T. Andersen
Wigliff (King's Son)
Warren Lewis
Michael Crichton
John McTiernan
Brent Woolsey
Stunt Coordinator
Owen Walstrom
Utility Stunts
Michael Langlois

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