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Title: Sleepy Hollow
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.175
Imdb Votes: 6599
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1999
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Horror,
Country: Germany, United States of America,


The curse of The Headless Horseman (Christopher Walken) is the legacy of the small town of Sleepy Hollow. Spearheaded by the eager Constable Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) and his new-world ways into the quagmire of secrets and murder, secrets once laid to rest, best forgotten, and now reawakened, and he too, holding a dark secret of a past once gone.


Actors - Crew

Johnny Depp
Ichabod Crane
Christina Ricci
Katrina Van Tassel
Miranda Richardson
Lady Mary Van Tassel / Crone Witch
Michael Gambon
Baltus Van Tassel
Casper Van Dien
Brom Van Brunt
Jeffrey Jones
Reverend Steenwyck
Andrew Kevin Walker
Adam Schroeder
Susie Figgis
Ilene Starger
Kevin Yagher
Scott Rudin

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