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Title: Simply Irresistible
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.433
Imdb Votes: 230
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1999
Language: French, English,
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


After her mother's death, mediocre chef Amanda Shelton is having trouble attracting customers to her family's restaurant. While shopping for ingredients, she is given a magical crab by mysterious Gene O'Reilly. Afterward, Amanda's dishes suddenly become excellent, inducing strong emotional reactions in everyone who eats them. Tom Bartlett, who is preparing to open his own eatery, tries her cooking and falls in love.


Actors - Crew

Sarah Michelle Gellar
Amanda Shelton
Sean Patrick Flanery
Tom Bartlett
Dylan Baker
Jonathan Bendel
Patricia Clarkson
Lois McNally
Lawrence Gilliard Jr.
Nolan Traynor
Christopher Durang
Gene O'Reilly
Arnon Milchan
Executive Producer
Jon Amiel
Elisabeth Robinson
Executive Producer
Mark Tarlov
Robert M. Stevens
Director of Photography
William Barclay
Production Design

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