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Title: The Thin Red Line
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.452
Imdb Votes: 2931
Duration: 171 mins
Year: 1998
Language: English, Japanese, Greek,
Genre: Drama, History, War,
Country: United States of America,


The story of a group of men, an Army Rifle company called C-for-Charlie, who change, suffer, and ultimately make essential discoveries about themselves during the fierce World War II battle of Guadalcanal. It follows their journey, from the surprise of an unopposed landing, through the bloody and exhausting battles that follow, to the ultimate departure of those who survived.


Actors - Crew

Jim Caviezel
Pvt. Robert Witt
Ben Chaplin
Pvt. Jack Bell
Dash Mihok
Pfc. Don Doll
Woody Harrelson
Sgt. William Keck
Nick Nolte
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall
Sean Penn
1st Sgt. Edward Welsh
Terrence Malick
James Jones
George Stevens Jr.
Executive Producer
Robert Michael Geisler
Grant Hill
John Roberdeau

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