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Title: The Stalker's Apprentice
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 106 mins
Year: 1998
Genre: Thriller, TV Movie, Crime, Drama,
Country: United Kingdom,


When an absorbing new manuscript finds its way across his desk, Marcus Walwyn (Gideon Turner), an impressionable young publisher, befriends the book's author (Peter Davison) and suddenly has trouble leaving his work at the office. Intrigued by the volume's step-by-step instructions on how to stalk and murder an unsuspecting victim, Marcus grows obsessed with becoming an expert. This made-for-television drama is based on the book by M.S. Power.


Actors - Crew

Peter Davison
D.I. Maurice Burt
James Bolam
Helmut Kranze
Gideon Turner
Marcus Walwyn
Natalie Walter
Karen Scott
Marc Bannerman
Paul Cornell
Paula Wilcox
Marcus Mother
Marcus D.F. White
M.S. Power
Gordon Hann
Robert Love

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