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Title: Star Trek: Insurrection
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.4
Imdb Votes: 1181
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1998
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Thriller,
Country: United States of America,


When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.


Actors - Crew

Patrick Stewart
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Jonathan Frakes
Commander William T. Riker
Brent Spiner
Lt. Commander Data
LeVar Burton
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge
Michael Dorn
Lt. Commander Worf
Gates McFadden
Doctor Beverly Crusher
Ron Wilkinson
Art Direction
Peter E. Berger
Herman F. Zimmerman
Production Design
Junie Lowry-Johnson
Patrick Stewart
Ron Surma

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