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Title: Fifteen and Pregnant
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.343
Imdb Votes: 51
Duration: 96 mins
Year: 1998
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, TV Movie,
Country: United States of America,


Based on a true story, 15 year old Tina Spangler discovers she is pregnant. Her choices are abortion, adoption, or a lonely, exhausting life as a single parent. Abandoned by her boyfriend, she turns to her mother. Tina discovers although it has torn her world apart, her pregnancy could re-unite her shattered family and help her find her true purpose in life.


Actors - Crew

Kirsten Dunst
Tina Spangler
Park Overall
Evie Spangler
David Andrews
Cal Spangler
Margot Demeter
Laurie Walsh
Karen Trumbo
Jane Walsh
Julia Whelan
Rachel Spangler
Susan Cuscuna
Sam Pillsbury
Erik Storey
Associate Producer
Diana Kerew
Executive Producer
Sean Kennedy
Set Decoration
Bruce 'Sarge' Fleskes

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