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Title: Blackjack
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.3
Imdb Votes: 83
Duration: 112 mins
Year: 1998
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Drama,
Country: Canada, United States of America,


After saving Casey, a daughter of his friend, from hired assassins, Jack Devlin is hit with a strange phobia - fear of white color. But when his other friend, who works as a bodyguard for a supermodel, is wounded, Jack decides to step in for him. Now he must confront his fear and the assassin, who seems to be well aware of Jack's problem.


Actors - Crew

Dolph Lundgren
Jack Devlin
Kate Vernon
Dr. Rachel Stein
Phillip MacKenzie
Rory Gaines
Kam Heskin
Cinder James
Fred Williamson
Tim Hastings
Andrew Jackson
Don Tragle
Peter Lance
John Woo
Terence Chang
Christopher Godsick
Maribeth Solomon
David Wu

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