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Title: Babymother
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.3
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 82 mins
Year: 1998
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Music, TV Movie,
Country: United Kingdom,


A single mother determined to make it as a singer puts together an all-girl reggae group named Neeta, Sweeta, & Nastie with her friends. Living in a housing estate with little support, the odds are obviously against her. Emotionally she struggles too as she learns at her mother's death that her actual mother is the woman she had thought was her older sister. With the help of a female agent, the group starts to get some exposure and rises above their setting.


Actors - Crew

Anjela Lauren Smith
Anita - the Babymother
Caroline Chikezie
Sharon - Her Bestfriend
Don Warrington
Luther - the don
Vas Blackwood
Caesar - Sharon's guy
Wil Johnson
Byron - her Babyfather
Suzette Llewellyn
Rose - her sister
Julian Henriques

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