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Title: Where The Air Is Cool And Dark
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.5
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1997


Thirty-year-old Emmett LeClere, a former logger and recovering drug addict, returns from school in New York to make a film in his Olympic Peninsula hometown. To finance the project, he decides to grow marijuana with an old buddy. After an abbreviated affair with an ex-girlfriend ends in a drug binge, Emmett finds a promising but doomed new romance. Countering good intentions with dishonesty, Emmett is soon left questioning his place in the world.


Actors - Crew

Jason Bortz
Emmanuel Malcolm Martinez
Darlene Sellers
Kristi Sandeno
Jerry Lloyd
Brion Rockwell
Robert Jett Barkley
Director of Photography
Tricia Cooke

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