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Title: What the Deaf Man Heard
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.75
Imdb Votes: 16
Duration: 120 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


In 1945, a young boy arrives in a small Georgia town on a bus from which his mother was abducted and murdered. Alone he sits quietly and everyone becomes convinced that he is deaf and mute. Deciding that silence offers some power and protection, the boy decides to remain mute and just listens to all that is being said around him by people who think that he cannot hear.


Actors - Crew

Matthew Modine
Sammy Ayers
Claire Bloom
Mrs. Tynan
Judith Ivey
James Earl Jones
Archibald Thacker
Jerry O'Connell
Reverend Perry Ray Pruitt
Bernadette Peters
Helen Ayers
Robert W. Lenski
G.D. Gearino
John Kent Harrison

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