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Title: Washington Square
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.1
Imdb Votes: 40
Duration: 115 mins
Year: 1997
Language: French, English,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Set in 1870's New York, a spinster heiress is courted by a much younger, penniless man, much to the chagrin of her over-protective father, and must decide whether to spend the rest of her life alone, or marry a man who is interested in her only because of her inheritence.


Actors - Crew

Jennifer Jason Leigh
Catherine Sloper
Albert Finney
Dr. Austin Sloper
Maggie Smith
Aunt Lavinia Penniman
Ben Chaplin
Morris Townsend
Judith Ivey
Aunt Elizabeth Almond
Jennifer Garner
Marian Almond
Agnieszka Holland
Michael Davis
Construction Coordinator
Christine Anne Baur
Jerzy Zieliński
Director of Photography
Anna B. Sheppard
Costume Design
Debra Zane

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