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Title: U Turn
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.64
Imdb Votes: 713
Duration: 125 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
Country: France, United States of America,


When Bobby's car breaks down in the desert while on the run from some of the bookies who have already taken two of his fingers, he becomes trapped in the nearby small town where the people are stranger than anyone he's encountered. After becoming involved with a young married woman, her husband hires Bobby to kill her. Later, she hires Bobby to kill the husband.


Actors - Crew

Sean Penn
Bobby Cooper
Nick Nolte
Jake McKenna
Jennifer Lopez
Grace McKenna
Joaquin Phoenix
Toby N. Tucker
Claire Danes
Powers Boothe
Sheriff Virgil Potter
Oliver Stone
Clayton Townsend
John Ridley
Robert Richardson
Director of Photography
Dan Halsted
Thomas J. Nordberg

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