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Title: The Best Bad Thing
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 89 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English, Japanese,
Genre: Drama, Family,
Country: United States of America, Canada, Japan,


After her husband's death, Mrs. Hata desperately needs help on her cucumber farm. Rinko' mother wants her to spend the summer helping Mrs. Hata, her life-long friend. But 12-year-old Rinko sees Mrs. Hata's traditional Japanese ways as being backward and "crazy." When she gives in to her mother's request, she discovers Mrs. Hata is kind and courageous, fighting to save her farm. Before summer ends, RInko comes to appreciate and defend "crazy" Mrs. Hata.


Actors - Crew

Lana McKissack
Michel Perron
Robert Ito
Mr. Tsujimura
Kirin Kiki
Aunt Hata
George Takei
Mr. Yamanaka
Kitao Sakurai
Zenny Hata
Peter Rowe

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