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Title: Project Grizzly
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.6
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 72 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Documentary,
Country: Canada,


Documentary about the lifelong project of Troy Hurtubise, a man who has been obsessed with researching the Canadian grizzly bear up close, ever since surviving an early encounter with such a bear. The film documents Hurtubise's diligent work to improve his homemade "grizzly-proof" suit of armour, his efforts to test its resilience, and his forays into the Rockies to track down the grizzlies he dreams of meeting. The film manages to capture the humor of the project as well as its sincerity.


Actors - Crew

Troy Hurtubise
Peter Gzowski
Gerry Flahive
Executive Producer
Caroline Christie
Michael Allder
Ken Myhr
Original Music Composer
Tony Wannamaker
Director of Photography
Emmet Sheil
Associate Producer

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