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Title: Prison of Secrets
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 5
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, TV Movie, Crime,
Country: United States of America,


Lynn Schaffer is willfully irresponsible once too often, gets fired and refuses a plea-bargain with her employer. She's now convicted and because of this uncooperative attitude gets the maximum sentence, 10 years in a women's jail wing. Model husband Larry, who wasn't informed of her dumb schemes is left running her appeal, the household and spoiled daughter who now feels abandoned. Since most inmates are junkies or prostitutes, sergeant Ed Crang and fellow corrupt jailers can run a 'favors in kind exchange'. For rebels, it gets worse. Larry however has his own radio show, so it all hangs on gathering proof.


Actors - Crew

Stephanie Zimbalist
Lynn Schaffer
Finola Hughes
Gary Frank
Larry Schaffer
Rusty Schwimmer
Kimberly Russell
Tasia Valenza
Fred Gerber
Layce Gardner
Melissa Gleason
Yvonne E. Chotzen
Co-Executive Producer
Carroll Newman
Executive Producer
Nan Schwartz

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