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Title: My Secret Cache
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 85 mins
Year: 1997
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
Country: Japan,


Sakiko, a young bank teller, has an unhealthy obsession with money. Thieves hold up the bank, kidnapping Sakiko in the process, but eventually crash their car, resulting in a suitcase stuffed with cash falling into a nearby river. For the remainder of the film, Sakiko begins a desperate quest to retrieve the money.


Actors - Crew

Naomi Nishida
Sakiko Suzuki
Go Riju
Kazue Tsunogae
Tomiko Suzuki
Shinobu Tsuruta
Mikio Suzuki
Noriko Tanaka
Mika Suzuki
Takako Katou
Yayoi Itami
Shinobu Yaguchi
Takuji Suzuki
Masahiro Kishimoto
Director of Photography
Miho Yoneda
Kuniaki Yagura
Toshikazu Funabashi
Sound Effects

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