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Title: Legend of the Lost Tomb
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.333
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Adventure, Family, TV Movie,
Country: United States of America,


While excavating near the Pyramids, Dr. Leonhardt finds a small box with a map to the treasures of the Pharaoh Ramessess II. On his way to deliver this to the local authorities, he is kidnapped by his nemesis Dr. Bent. Before Bent can retrieve the papyrus map, Karen, who is Leonhardt's student assistant, and John, Leonhardt's son take the map to look for Leonhardt. They soon find that Bent is in hot pursuit and they figure that the only way to save Leonhardt is to be the first to the treasure so that they could ransom the Doctor from Bent. But Bent has other plans for all three of them.


Actors - Crew

Stacy Keach
Dr. William Bent
Brock Pierce
John Robie
Kimberlee Peterson
Karen Lacy
Rick Rossovich
Dr. Eric Leonhardt
Khaled El Sawy
Jonathan Winfrey
Walter Dean Myers
Jeremy Doner
Julie Corman
Simon Edery
Line Producer
Nicholas Josef von Sternberg
Director of Photography

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