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Title: Drunks
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.3
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


At the beginning of a nightly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Jim seems particularly troubled. His sponsor encourages him to talk that night, the first time in seven months, so he does - and leaves the meeting right after. As Jim wanders the night, searching for some solace in his old stomping grounds, bars and parks where he bought drugs, the meeting goes on, and we hear the stories of survivors and addicts - some, like Louis, who claim to have wandered in looking for choir practice, who don't call themselves alcoholic, and others, like Joseph, whose drinking almost caused the death of his child - as they talk about their lives at the meeting


Actors - Crew

Richard Lewis
Amanda Plummer
Spalding Gray
Faye Dunaway
Parker Posey
Howard Rollins
Kim Marie Druce
Costume Design
Peter Cohn
Hughes Winborne
Michael Shaw
Production Design
Gary Lennon
Theatre Play
Daniel Goldfield
Art Direction

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