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Title: Breast Men
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.27
Imdb Votes: 62
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: TV Movie, Drama, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


We follow the two Texas doctors who invented the modern breast implant and its surgical procedure. However, when success and money come their way, they split up and follow different paths. One becomes the surgeon of the everyday woman while the other's career freefalls and has to settle with strippers and actresses. The film covers their history and their inventions, from the sixties until today.


Actors - Crew

David Schwimmer
Dr. Kevin Saunders
Chris Cooper
Dr. William Larson
Emily Procter
Laura Pierson
Matt Frewer
Gerald Krzemien
Terry O'Quinn
Hersch Lawyer
Kathleen Wilhoite
Timmi-Jean Lindsey
Lawrence O'Neil
John Stockwell
Gary Lucchesi
Executive Producer
Guy Riedel
Dennis McCarthy
Robert M. Stevens
Director of Photography

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