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Title: Bad Day on the Block
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 42
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
Country: United States of America,


The heat is at record highs, the air conditioner is broken, the milk has gone bad, the repairman can't find the house... and then there's the neighbor. Lyle Wilder, a celebrated firefighter, whose scorn for the young Braverton family next door turns to outright assault as his heroic exterior begins to unravel from the inside.


Actors - Crew

Charlie Sheen
Lyle Wilder
Mare Winningham
Catherine Braverton
David Andrews
Reese Braverton
Noah Fleiss
Zach Braverton
Chelsea Russo
Marcie Braverton
John Ratzenberger
Al Calavito
Alison Reid
Stunt Double
Craig R. Baxley
Betsy Giffen Nowrasteh

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