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Title: Air Force One
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.478
Imdb Votes: 2886
Duration: 124 mins
Year: 1997
Language: English, Russian,
Genre: Action, Thriller,
Country: United States of America,


When Russian neo-nationalists hijack Air Force One, the world's most secure and extraordinary aircraft, the President is faced with a nearly impossible decision to give in to terrorist demands or sacrifice not only the country's dignity, but the lives of his wife and daughter.


Actors - Crew

Harrison Ford
President James Marshall
Gary Oldman
Ivan Korshunov
Glenn Close
Vice President Kathryn Bennett
Wendy Crewson
Grace Marshall
Liesel Matthews
Alice Marshall
Paul Guilfoyle
Chief of Staff Lloyd 'Shep' Shepherd
Wolfgang Petersen
Marc Abraham
Executive Producer
Armyan Bernstein
Thomas A. Bliss
Executive Producer
Gail Katz
David V. Lester
Executive Producer

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