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Title: Vampire Killer Barbys
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.4
Imdb Votes: 24
Duration: 87 mins
Year: 1996
Language: English, Spanish,
Genre: Horror, Music,
Country: Spain,


While driving on tour late night through a lonely road in the countryside of Spain, the van of the punk band "Killer Barbys" has an accident and breaks down. A creepy old man invites the group to spend the night in the castle of Countess Von Fledermaus and presents himself as her secretary Arkan. Arkan explains that the mechanic is located 62 km far from the location and he tells that the Countess loves youths. Flavia, Rafa and Mario accept the invitation but Billy and Sharon stay shagging in the van. When the musicians meet the Countess, they find that she is the ancient artist Olga Luchan and they question how she could keep so young. But sooner they discover that the Countess needs blood of young people to keep her beauty.


Actors - Crew

Silvia Superstar
Billy King
Charlie S. Chaplin
Aldo Sambrell
Santiago Segura
Mariangela Giordano
Jesús Franco
Daniel White
Original Music Composer
Art Direction
Javier Pérez Zofio
Director of Photography
Lina Romay
Tomás Cimadevilla
Production Designer

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