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Title: The Associate
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 207
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1996
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Laurel Ayres is a businesswoman trying to make it but unfortunately she works at a investment firm where she does all the work but all the senior investors like Frank Peterson grab all the credit. She then leaves and starts her own firm. While trying to find clients Laurel pretends that she has a male partner named Robert Cutty. And when she starts to do well all of her clients wants to meet Cutty which is difficult since he doesn't exist.


Actors - Crew

Whoopi Goldberg
Laurel Ayres
Dianne Wiest
Sally Dugan
Eli Wallach
Donald Fallon
Tim Daly
Frank Peterson
Bebe Neuwirth
Camille Scott
Austin Pendleton
Aesop Franklin
Donald Petrie
Jenaro Prieto
Nick Thiel
Robert W. Cort
Executive Producer
Ted Field
Executive Producer
Frederic Golchan

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