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Title: Sharpe's Mission
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.826
Imdb Votes: 23
Duration: 100 mins
Year: 1996
Language: English,
Genre: War, Action, Adventure, History, TV Movie,
Country: United Kingdom,


Sharpe is teamed with a Colonel he helped promote and they are tasked to destroy a powder magazine, but an alliance with the French may threaten their success. Meanwhile, Jane is wearying of the army life and Harper and Ramona are at odds.


Actors - Crew

Sean Bean
Richard Sharpe
Daragh O'Malley
Patrick Harper
Abigail Cruttenden
Jane Gibbons
James Laurenson
Major General Ross
Mark Strong
John Tams
Rifleman Daniel Hagman
Tom Clegg
Eoghan Harris
Bernard Cornwell

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