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Title: Jude
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 123
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1996
Language: Latin, English,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: United Kingdom,


In late 19th-century England, Jude aspires to be an academic, but is hobbled by his blue-collar background. Instead, he works as a stonemason and is trapped in an unloving marriage to a farmer's daughter named Arabella. But when his wife leaves him, Jude sees an opportunity to improve himself. He moves to the city and begins an affair with his married cousin, Sue, courting tragedy every step of the way.


Actors - Crew

Kate Winslet
Sue Bridehead
Christopher Eccleston
Jude Fawley
Liam Cunningham
Rachel Griffiths
June Whitfield
Aunt Drusilla
James Nesbitt
Uncle Joe
Michael Winterbottom
Hossein Amini
Judy Farr
Set Decoration
Andrew Rothschild
Art Direction
Thomas Hardy
Simone Ireland

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