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Title: I'm Not Rappaport
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.586
Imdb Votes: 29
Duration: 135 mins
Year: 1996
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Old Nat Moyer is a talker, a philosopher, and a troublemaker with a fanciful imagination. His companion is Midge Carter, who is half-blind, but still the super of an apartment house. When he is threatened with retirement, Nat battles on his behalf. Nat also takes on his daughter, a drug dealer, and a mugger in this appealing version of a really 'odd couple'.


Actors - Crew

Walter Matthau
Nat Moyer
Ossie Davis
Midge Carter
Amy Irving
Clara Gelber
Craig T. Nelson
The Cowboy
Boyd Gaines
Pete Danforth
Martha Plimpton
Laurie Campbell
Herb Gardner
Wendey Stanzler

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