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Title: Bottle Rocket
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.704
Imdb Votes: 1028
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1996
Language: Spanish, English,
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Upon his release from a mental hospital following a nervous breakdown, the directionless Anthony joins his friend Dignan, who seems far less sane than the former. Dignan has hatched a harebrained scheme for an as-yet-unspecified crime spree that somehow involves his former boss, the (supposedly) legendary Mr. Henry.


Actors - Crew

Luke Wilson
Anthony Adams
Owen Wilson
Robert Musgrave
Bob Mapplethorpe
Lumi Cavazos
James Caan
Mr. Abe Henry
Andrew Wilson
John "Future Man" Mapplethorpe
Wes Anderson
Cynthia Hargrave
Barbara Boyle
Executive Producer
James L. Brooks
Executive Producer
Richard Sakai
Executive Producer
Michael Taylor
Executive Producer

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