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Title: Angel Flight Down
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.889
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1996
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, TV Movie, Action,
Country: United States of America,


A medical emergency aircraft crashes in the snowy Rockies. The pilot, two paramedics, a two-year-old patient, and her father all manage to survive the crash. Unfortunately, the little girl's already critical condition is rapidly worsening, her father is growing hysterical by the minute, the pilot is seriously injured, and the paramedics aren't sure if they are emotionally equipped for the crisis.


Actors - Crew

Patricia Kalember
Teresa Bagshaw
David Charvet
Brad Brown
Garwin Sanford
Rick Fowler
Christopher Atkins
Jack Bahr
Stephen E. Miller
Robert Coma
Paige Magnusson
Cory Lerios
Charles Wilkinson
Michael Petryni

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