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Title: Restoration
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.045
Imdb Votes: 112
Duration: 117 mins
Year: 1995
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


An aspiring young physician, Robert Merivel found himself in the service of King Charles II and saves the life of someone close to the King. Merivel joins the King's court and lives the high life provided to someone of his position. Merivel is ordered to marry his King's mistress in order to divert the queens suspicions. He is given one order by the king and that is not to fall in love. The situation worsens when Merivel finds himself in love with his new wife. Eventually, the King finds out and relieves Merivel of his position and wealth. His fall from grace leaves Merivel where he first started. And through his travels and reunions with an old friend, he rediscovers his love for true medicine and what it really means to be a physician.


Actors - Crew

Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Merivel
Meg Ryan
Sam Neill
King Charles II
David Thewlis
John Pearce
Hugh Grant
Elias Finn
Polly Walker
Celia Clemence
Rose Termain
Rupert Walters
Michael Hoffman
James Acheson
Costume Design
Jim Smart
Les Benson

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