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Title: Out There
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.733
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1995
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction, Family, TV Movie,
Country: United States of America,


A Pulitzer Prize winning photographer is fired from his job for not being sensationalistic enough. After he purchases an old camera at a yard sale, he discovers some undeveloped film in it, including photos of an apparent alien abduction. When he goes public with the photos, he garners the attention of his former boss, the government and a woman who thinks her father was the abductee.


Actors - Crew

Billy Campbell
Delbert Mosley
Wendy Schaal
Paige Davis
Bill Cobbs
Lyman Weeks
Rod Steiger
Col. Buck Gunner
Jill St. John
Bunny Wells
Julie Brown
Alison Nigh-Strelich
Thomas Strelich
Sam Irvin
Adam Olszewski
Art Direction
Wendy Range
Costume Design
M. Nord Haggerty
Production Design

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