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Title: GoldenEye
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.9
Imdb Votes: 3793
Duration: 130 mins
Year: 1995
Language: English, Russian, Spanish,
Genre: Adventure, Action, Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


When a powerful satellite system falls into the hands of Alec Trevelyan, AKA Agent 006, a former ally-turned-enemy, only James Bond can save the world from a dangerous space weapon that -- in one short pulse -- could destroy the earth! As Bond squares off against his former compatriot, he also battles Xenia Onatopp, an assassin who uses pleasure as her ultimate weapon


Actors - Crew

Pierce Brosnan
James Bond
Sean Bean
Alec Trevelyan
Izabella Scorupco
Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova
Famke Janssen
Xenia Onatopp
Joe Don Baker
Jack Wade
Judi Dench
Martin Campbell
Jeffrey Caine
Bruce Feirstein
Barbara Broccoli
Tom Pevsner
Executive Producer
Éric Serra
Original Music Composer

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