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Title: Dolores Claiborne
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.245
Imdb Votes: 744
Duration: 132 mins
Year: 1995
Language: English,
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
Country: United States of America,


Dolores Claiborne was accused of killing her abusive husband twenty years ago, but the court's findings were inconclusive and she was allowed to walk free. Now she has been accused of killing her employer, Vera Donovan, and this time there is a witness who can place her at the scene of the crime. Things look bad for Dolores when her daughter Selena, a successful Manhattan magazine writer, returns to cover the story.


Actors - Crew

Kathy Bates
Dolores Claiborne
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Selena St. George
Judy Parfitt
Vera Donovan
Christopher Plummer
John Mackey
David Strathairn
Joe St. George
Eric Bogosian
Taylor Hackford
Gabriel Beristain
Director of Photography
Mark Warner
Stephen King
Charles Mulvehill
Tony Gilroy

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