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Title: Carrington
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.2
Imdb Votes: 63
Duration: 121 mins
Year: 1995
Language: English,
Genre: History, Drama, Romance,
Country: France, United Kingdom,


Painter Dora Carrington develops an intimate but extremely complex bond with writer Lytton Strachey. Though Lytton is a homosexual, he is enchanted by the mysterious Dora and they begin a lifelong friendship that has strangely romantic undertones. Eventually, Lytton and Dora decide to live together, despite the fact that the latter has fallen in love with military man Ralph Partridge, whom she plans to marry.


Actors - Crew

Emma Thompson
Dora Carrington
Jonathan Pryce
Lytton Strachey
Steven Waddington
Ralph Partridge
Samuel West
Gerald Brenan
Rufus Sewell
Mark Gertler
Penelope Wilton
Lady Ottoline Morrell
Christopher Hampton
Michael Holroyd
John McGrath
Ronald Shedlo
Denis Lenoir
Director of Photography
George Akers

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