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Title: A Family Divided
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.7
Imdb Votes: 3
Duration: 97 mins
Year: 1995
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, TV Movie,
Country: United States of America,


College swimmer Chad Billingsley is his middle class family's pride and joy. After a moody phase of scared denial, he owns up to father, attorney Roger, that Rosalie Frank, the provocatively dressed waitress who attended his frat's last party and is missing since, had sex with five of them. Roger does his utmost to prevent the potential statutory rape case ruining his son's future, but confides in his moralistic wife, refuge house worker Karen, who instead of supporting the boys haunts them like Rosalie's mother Inez, with multiple tragic results.


Actors - Crew

Faye Dunaway
Karen Billingsley
Stephen Collins
Roger Billingsley
Cameron Bancroft
Chad Billingsley
Judson Mills
Diane D'Aquila
Inez Frank
Aidan Pendleton
Melissa Billingsley
Donald Wrye
Philip Rosenberg

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