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Title: Wolf
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.104
Imdb Votes: 889
Duration: 125 mins
Year: 1994
Language: English,
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Horror, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Aging publisher Will Randall is at the end of his rope when a younger co-worker snatches his job out from under his nose. But after being bitten by a wolf, Will suddenly finds himself full of youthful vigor. As he struggles to regain his position, he becomes enthralled with Laura Alden, his former boss's daughter. And, as increasingly animal-like urges begin to overwhelm him, Randall worries that he may be turning into the creature that bit him.


Actors - Crew

Jack Nicholson
Will Randall
Michelle Pfeiffer
Laura Alden
James Spader
Stewart Swinton
Kate Nelligan
Charlotte Randall
Richard Jenkins
Detective Carl Bridger
Christopher Plummer
Raymond Alden
Mike Nichols
Douglas Wick
Jim Harrison
Wesley Strick
Giuseppe Rotunno
Director of Photography
Sam O'Steen

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