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Title: The Getaway
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.7
Imdb Votes: 328
Duration: 115 mins
Year: 1994
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller,
Country: United States of America,


Doc McCoy is put in prison because his partners chickened out and flew off without him after exchanging a prisoner with a lot of money. Doc knows Jack Benyon, a rich "business"-man, is up to something big, so he tells his wife (Carol McCoy) to tell him that he's for sale if Benyon can get him out of prison. Benyon pulls some strings and Doc McCoy is released again. Unfortunately he has to cooperate with the same person that got him to prison.


Actors - Crew

Alec Baldwin
Carter Doc McCoy
Kim Basinger
Carol McCoy
Michael Madsen
Rudy Travis
James Woods
Jack Benyon
David Morse
Jim Deer Jackson
Jennifer Tilly
Fran Carvey
Roger Donaldson
Jim Thompson
Walter Hill
Amy Holden Jones
John Alan Simon
Lawrence Turman

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