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Title: The Air Up There
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.169
Imdb Votes: 151
Duration: 107 mins
Year: 1994
Language: English,
Genre: Family, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Jimmy Dolan is a college basketball coach who wants a big promotion. To get it, he needs to make a dramatic find. He ends up deep in Africa, hoping to recruit Saleh, a huge basketball prodigy Jimmy glimpsed in a home movie. But Saleh is the chief's son and has responsibilities at home, since the tribe's land is threatened by a mining company with its own hotshot basketball team.


Actors - Crew

Kevin Bacon
Jimmy Dolan
Charles Gitonga Maina
Yolanda Vazquez
Sister Susan
Mabutho 'Kid' Sithole
Sean McCann
Ray Fox
Dennis Patrick
Father O'Hara
Max Apple
Paul Michael Glaser
Scott Kroopf
Executive Producer
Leith Ridley
Art Direction
Tom McMurtry
Conrad Hool

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