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Title: Camp Nowhere
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.909
Imdb Votes: 150
Duration: 96 mins
Year: 1994
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family,
Country: United States of America,


Morris "Mud" Himmel has a problem. His parents desperately want to send him away to summer camp. He hates going to summer camp, and would do anything to get out of it. Talking to his friends, he realizes that they are all facing the same sentence: a boring summer camp. Together with his friends, he hatches a plan to trick all the parents into sending them to a camp of their own design.


Actors - Crew

Jonathan Jackson
Morris 'Mud' Himmel
Andrew Keegan
Zack Dell
Marnette Patterson
Trish Prescott
Melody Kay
Gaby Nowicki
Christopher Lloyd
Dennis Van Welker
M. Emmet Walsh
T.R. Polk
Jonathan Prince
Eliot Wald
Andrew Kurtzman
David Streit
David Lawrence
Sherry Thompson
Costume Design

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