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Title: Burnt by the Sun
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.054
Imdb Votes: 175
Duration: 135 mins
Year: 1994
Language: Russian,
Genre: Drama,
Country: France, Russia,


Russia, 1936: revolutionary hero Colonel Kotov is spending an idyllic summer in his dacha with his young wife and six-year-old daughter Nadia and other assorted family and friends. Things change dramatically with the unheralded arrival of Cousin Dmitri from Moscow, who charms the women and little Nadia with his games and pianistic bravura. But Kotov isn't fooled: this is the time of Stalin's repression, with telephone calls in the middle of the night spelling doom - and he knows that Dmitri isn't paying a social call...


Actors - Crew

Nikita Mikhalkov
Col. Sergei Petrovich Kotov
Oleg Menshikov
Dimitri (Mitya)
Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė
Vyacheslav Tikhonov
Nadezhda Mikhalkova
Nadya Kotova
André Oumansky
Nikita Mikhalkov
Alexander Delvig
Executive Producer's Assistant
Nicole Canne
Leonid Vereshchagin
Executive Producer
Michael Ermogeni
Unit Manager
André Rigaut

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