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Title: A Simple Twist of Fate
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 107
Duration: 106 mins
Year: 1994
Language: English,
Genre: Family, Comedy, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


When Michael McCann is thrown over by the woman he loves, he becomes something of a misanthrope and a miser, spending all of his spare money on collectible gold coins. Living in the same town is an affluent family with two sons: John and Tanny. Tanny's a wild boy, whom John cannot control, and one night he breaks into McCann's house, and steals the gold and disappears, which nearly confirms McCann's distrust of mankind. But then, a mysterious young woman dies in the snow outside McCann's house, and her small daughter makes her way to McCann's house and into McCann's life and heart.


Actors - Crew

Steve Martin
Michael McCann
Gabriel Byrne
John Newland
Laura Linney
Nancy Lambert Newland
Catherine O'Hara
April Simon
Alana Austin
Mathilda McCann - Age 10
Stephen Baldwin
Tanny Newland
Gillies MacKinnon
Judy Ponder-Patton
Makeup Department Head
Karen Snow
Associate Producer
Steve Martin
Frank Griffin
Makeup Artist
Ric Kidney

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