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Title: Sune's Summer
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.457
Imdb Votes: 58
Duration: 83 mins
Year: 1993
Language: English, Swedish,
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Country: Sweden,


It's summer and Sune Andersson's family is planning a holiday in Greece. Sune's father, Rudolf is sulking because then he won't be able to go on his beloved fishing trip. But after seeing how much the Greek trip is going to cost, he comes up with a great idea: Let's go on a camping trip instead. A lot is happens during this trip and after a while Rudolf discovers that the camping trip might not be as cheat as he thought.


Actors - Crew

Andreas Hoffer
Sune Andersson
Gabriel Odenhammar
Håkan Andersson
Peter Haber
Rudolf Andersson
Carina Lidbom
Karin Andersson
Nina Almlöf
Anna Andersson
Lars Väringer
Stephan Apelgren
Anders Jacobsson
Sören Olsson
Jan Brodin
Adel Kjellström
Sound Engineer
Göran Nylander

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