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Title: Splitting Heirs
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.171
Imdb Votes: 73
Duration: 87 mins
Year: 1993
Language: English, French,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


A member of the English upper class dies, leaving his estate and his business to an American, whom he thinks is his son who was lost as a baby and then found again. An Englishman who thinks he is an Indian comes to believe that he is actually the heir. He comes to hate the American who is his boss, his friend, and the man who has stolen the woman after whom he lusts.


Actors - Crew

Eric Idle
Tommy Butterfly Rainbow Peace Patel
Rick Moranis
Henry Bullock
Barbara Hershey
Duchess Lucinda
Catherine Zeta-Jones
John Cleese
Raoul P. Shadgrind
Sadie Frost
Simon Bosanquet
Eric Idle
Executive Producer
Redmond Morris
Michelle Guish
Michael Kamen
Original Music Composer
John Jympson

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