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Title: Short Cuts
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.223
Imdb Votes: 572
Duration: 188 mins
Year: 1993
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Many loosely connected characters cross paths in this film, based on the stories of Raymond Carver. Waitress Doreen Piggot accidentally runs into a boy with her car. Soon after walking away, the child lapses into a coma. While at the hospital, the boy's grandfather tells his son, Howard, about his past affairs. Meanwhile, a baker starts harassing the family when they fail to pick up the boy's birthday cake.


Actors - Crew

Andie MacDowell
Ann Finnigan
Bruce Davison
Howard Finnigan
Jack Lemmon
Paul Finnigan
Zane Cassidy
Casey Finnigan
Julianne Moore
Marian Wyman
Matthew Modine
Dr. Ralph Wyman
Cary Brokaw
Suzy Elmiger
John Hay
Costume Design
Mike Kaplan
Robert Altman
Frank Barhydt

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